Factors which have direct relation on the process of implementing a curriculum ; such as teachers’ heavy workload, teachers’ inadequate understanding of the reform, readiness of teacher for the change. which are needed for thf implementation of the programme; Thirdly, there is a need to introduce appropriate changes in different branches of the educational mechanism which may effect the implementation Of the … This chapter explains how the steps were followed in order to get the answer for the research question and to achieve the objectives of the study. The Concept of Curriculum Implementation What is curriculum implementation. Some features of the site may not work correctly. And also it includes information regarding the time, date and setting and room for observer to have descriptive and reflective notes. Mucavele, Simão . So the time they spend on is affecting them. Performance. Each participant has to sign the ‘Consent Form’ (Appendix—) before the interview began. Factors that affect strategy Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. Therefore to avoid such things, the Education system of Maldives has undergone a dynamic transitional period. Various factors are discussed thus: poor economic growth, politics, lack of … Therefore, to achieve the vision of the curriculum, it is a must for the teachers to fulfil their roles effectively. Several factors affect all curriculum development in meeting the needs of 21st century learners in both organised academic settings and corporation learning centres. In the finding of a research conducted by Chisholm and Leyendecker (2008:202) have stated that South Africa and Namibia have similar problems regarding curriculum reform. Drawing the factors, which are worldwide common in curriculum implementation process, helps build the conceptual frame work for the study. These extrinsic factors identified are adequacy of resources, time, school ethos and professional support. The teachers are the key players in making the classroom learning as outcome-based learning. Shortage of time and the content of the curriculum. In this research, the observations are done on the field with notes being taken that are narrative. That is to investigate factors which make implementation of the new curriculum a challenge for teachers of key stage at Lh. Therefore, here the literature review focuses on the previous studies conducted by researchers internationally to find out about the factors which make implementation of a new curriculum a challenge for teachers. Practice or Policy: The purpose of this article is to examine the factors associated with early childhood teachers' ability or inability to implement a new preschool curriculum, Children's School Success, and to understand if those factors are amenable to change through professional development activities. The process involves helping the learner acquire knowledge or experience. Planning and preparation is the main dilemma that teachers experienced. Chapter five provides discussion on the data analysis and findings of the study. There is the existence of both extrinsic and intrinsic factors that can hinder curriculum change by teachers. The interview form is gaining information based on the research sub-questions of this study. And also teachers struggle a lot in producing learning materials that are important to carry the lessons out. Therefore, lot of responsibilities are assigned to teachers to take inside and outside of the classroom. Iterative questioning i.e. The aim of these activities is to deviate their attention from the negative impact they might come across through the society and at their home. A new national curriculum for primary and middle schools was designed and introduced in 1984 which incorporated Environmental Studies, Science, Dhivehi language, Mathematics, English language, Fine Arts, Physical Education and Calligraphy. It reviews theoretical foundations, which are important to s specific subject, and gives significant summery and assessment. Disclaimer: This dissertation has been written by a student and is not an example of our professional work, which you can see examples of here. The vision of the new curriculum is, ‘every child is prepared for life’. In the process of educational research, ethic plays a very important role because it involves people. Curriculum implementation entails putting into practice the officially prescribed courses of study, syllabuses and subjects. For the purpose of examining the factors which make implementation of new curriculum a challenge for key stage one teachers’ of Lh. Therefore, the effective implementation of the school curriculum requires adequate planning by the teacher in the school system.Poor and wrong planning will affect the implementation of the curriculum negatively. The main conceptual assumption of this study is based on the following three factors. How do the teachers get the access to the needed resources for implementation of the new curriculum? of all equipment and curriculum 'ingredients'. Therefore, the teacher is required to be well equipped with content and prepared well for the pupils and also should know the suitable methodology for the learning atmosphere. Faculty of Education . It is therefore the teacher who has to understand the appropriate pedagogical strategies and methods to implement the new curriculum effectively. Therefore, I believe that it is really essential to investigate the factors which make the implementation of new curriculum a challenge. Moreover, many do not feel competent enough to teach about. (p. 13). It is common for people to dislike change. The literature has explored relevant information to the study. Therefore, it can be said that there is a global agreement about the significance of teachers who are well trained produces high standard result. The intrinsic factors are professional knowledge, professional adequacy and professional interest and motivation. Factors which are mostly related to the Procedure of the curriculum implementation or System related factors such as formulating policies related to curriculum, communicating the change with the stakeholders, producing necessary learning materials. Since the study is a qualitative research, it involved several steps: the identification of the research population, selection of the sample, procedure of gaining consent, data collection instrument, data collection. As a result of the literature review undertaken, the report has found nine critical factors for strategy implementation that will be discussed further in the literature. Change must be an internal movement to have success. This means that qualitative researchers study things in their natural settings, attempting to make sense in terms of the meanings people brings to them. And also it shows how the data are evaluated. Due that teachers are unable to implement the curriculum successfully in the classroom. RATIONALE AND THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY. The reason for choosing the narrative inquiry as method depends on the nature of this study. During the process of curriculum implementation, we may find obstacles that vary with the curriculum itself, location, political situation, economic situation, teacher preparation, facilities and plenty other factors, making it more complex to execute. With curriculum changes, classes may change and so can after school activities. FACTORS AFFECTING IMPLEMENTATION The conceptual framework outlined in Chapter Two pointed to the possible interrelationships between teacher background character-istics, school characteristics, district support, and assistance pro-vided by design teams and … All in all, there are many factors that influence curriculum implementation at any given time and situation. I, as researcher, visited the schools where the participants work, allowing me to gather comprehensive information about the candidates’ operational environment, considered a vital component of this particular research. Since the study is to determine and distinguish reason of significant happenings from teachers point of view, the researcher asked lots of open-ended questions which permitted the participants to air their views on the challenges facing them with changes to the curriculum. Most factors that influence a curriculum change are mostly directly connected to parents and the students. After getting verbal approval of willingness to be involved in the interview, each participant is given a set of questions that is to be asked in the interview and a “Consent Form’ (Appendix—) so that they could go through and have clear understanding of it prior to my arrival to conduct the interview. Time for preparation and the workload of teachers makes curriculum implementation a challenge for teachers. However, this change is not seen from the selected school teachers. Data were The random sample consisted of 12 primary school heads and 12 Early Childhood Development teachers in the Chiwundura Circuit. Atoll education centre?”. In choosing a research method, the researcher must be aware of the difference between a qualitative research and quantitative research. Based on the above statement made by Tamir (2004) and the reviewed dependable literature for this study, it clearly indicated that the factors which make implementation of a new curriculum a challenge for teachers, can divided into three broad categories. Adequate information about the data are communicated allowing the reader to have a good understanding and to make evaluation and comparison. Choosing Purposive sampling allows the researcher to choose the participants according to the information and knowledge they possess. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this dissertation and no longer wish to have your work published on the UKDiss.com website then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! Introducing new curriculum, Maldives moves from emphasis of learning content to specific outcomes and from memorisation (rote learning) of fact to the demonstration skills. Chapter three, Research Methodology follows the research design, discussing the techniques of data collection. Therefore, it can be said that it is a system of varying activities involved in translating curriculum design in to classroom activities and changing pupil’s attitude to accept and get involved in these activities .However, as curriculum implementers, teachers faced many barriers which hinder the successful implementation of the new curriculum. barriers, practices, and concerns teachers experience when implementing a new curriculum, all of which serve as the purpose of this study. Implementation is an interaction process between those who have created the program and those who are charged with delivering it. by . To achieve this objective, the study was guided by the following specific research objectives: finding out how funding affects implementation of The following are the most important aspects to require of teams that are in charge of curriculum implementation: Credibility and dependability are closely correlated. Some of these challenges are particularly unique to rural communities. How Teachers Perceive the New Curriculum Reform: Lessons from a School District in the Eastern Cape Province. For instance, if a school located in a quiet and pleasant socioeconomic area, then this school may implement some extracurricular activities that can be suited for the people of that area.At the same time, if a school is situated in not the best place on earth then it’s highly possible that the school may change the whole curriculum to support the interest of learners. Therefore ,it is important for the teachers to understand the content included in the curriculum and to know the best practices in its delivery to the students. Atoll education Centre. The statement made Okello and Kagoire( 1996) shows that quality and quantity of the staff to meet the expectations of pupils and the society are weaknesses in implementing a curriculum . Collecting data, analysing and reporting the findings will be done by the researcher. It is because this does not do any research to add to content and makes the lesson more interesting. Prior to observing the participant in the classroom, the researcher made telephone calls to check when she could visit the participant. (1998 – 2010 THEMALDIVES.COM | Maldives), According to Rose (2008) education should prepare learners for life after school, allowing them on completion of their basic education to function and compete in the work environment, preparing them to join the work force. Also it helps understand the actual causes of the challenges. Age, gender, physical, mental, emotional development, cultural background, interests, aspirations and personal goals. Thomas Harvey has provided a list of common reasons people may resist change. They often test memory more than understanding and encourage surface learning but not a complete picture of a student’s performance and lack feedback (Murphy, 2009). The Commonwealth of Learning, Curriculum Development for the Year 2000: A case Study of the Process of Curriculum Revision in a Professional school, International journal of applied research, By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our. *You can also browse our support articles here >, To investigate factors which make the process of curriculum implementation a challenge for teachers of the selected school, To find out teachers’ opinion about the factors which make the process of curriculum implementation a challenge for them. A very important part of curriculum implementation is that the teacher should consider carefully the order in which learning targets should be learnt. probes and re-articulated certain questions are used. We've received widespread press coverage since 2003, Your UKDiss.com purchase is secure and we're rated 4.4/5 on Reviews.io. In their findings they have mentioned the shortage of resources, teacher training programmes and lack of support from the management and workload of teachers. This shows how important teachers are to the process of curriculum implementation. Curriculum according to Madike (1983), is the same as the school syllabus, teaching units, course outline and scheme of work. In the handbook of qualitative research by Denzin and Lincoin (2005) describe qualitative research as involving, “an interpretive naturalistic approach to the world” (p,3). This involves the dissemination of the structured set of learning experiences, the provision of resources to effectively execute the plan, and the actual execution of the plan in the classroom setting where teacher-learner interactions take place (Ivowi, 2009). Oliver and Venter (2003:190) are of the opinion that previously teachers had homogenous learners in their class, now they teach more heterogeneous group. Curriculum Development began in 1976, while Teacher Training began in 1977. If challenges experienced by teachers in schools, such as inadequate resources, lack of training and information about the curriculum are not addressed, this will have far-reaching consequences not only for the school but also for the whole society of the particular island in producing the type of skilled learners that is needed for the development of the society. The visits are based on observation schedule to avoid interruption of smooth running of the teachers scheduled work. Hence, the teachers’ voice about the new curriculum and the experiences of them at implementation stage has to be explored and understood and it should be attended thorough proper mechanism. In this instance, Grades 1 to 3 (key stage one) learners are the target group. The National Curriculum Framework (NCF) is the most important policy outlined to support and facilitate quality education for the Maldives. There should be a well-developed procedure for professional development programmes, monitoring and evaluating the work of the teachers especially during the implementation. Denscombe (2003:267) states that qualitative research gains its uniqueness through the approach to the collection and analysis of data, TECNIQUES OF DATA COLLECTION AND SAMPLINGS. Teachers need to be familiar with the design and the underlying principles of the curriculum. Registered Data Controller No: Z1821391. This study investigates the factors that affect the implementation of Early Childhood Development Programes (ECD). Atoll Education centre in the process of newly introduced curriculum implementation and the factors that make it a challenge for the teachers in the process and also their opinion with regard to the coping of those affected factors. This means the literature review should provide different opinion of available information. Erden (2010:6) states that teachers complained that much more time is needed for preparation. Several factors affect all curriculum development in meeting the needs of 21st century learners in both organized academic settings and corporation learning centers. Obstacles to the curriculum implementation are identified, including the nature of official curriculum documents, teacher content knowledge, the nature of the topic, differences between teachers’ beliefs and the underlying ideology of the proposed curriculum, learner and parental expectations, institutional arrangements, and time restrictions. Curriculum developers have designed programs in the new curriculum focusing on the national level, which might be suitable for all the regions of Maldives. Dissertation As the aim of the study is to investigate the factors which make the implementation of curriculum a challenge for teachers, it is going on in the natural school setting as it is related to an ongoing process. This study focuses on those teachers who are teaching in key stage one of Lh. Registered office: Venture House, Cross Street, Arnold, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG5 7PJ. If the ideas are coming from… Take Note: The universal and individual characteristics of the learners should be considered in implementation of any curriculum. Furthermore in the same research they have said that teachers are unable to produce work of high quality and improve their teaching and produce professional material due to the non-formal activities. As Lucas (1997) has stated, a narrative may, thus, be ‘any extended segment of talk in which an interviewee is telling a story’. According to a study done by Spady and Marshall (1991: 68) a number of factors affect teachers in implementing the new curriculum and make it challenge for them. new curricula requires teachers to feel confident in the delivery and purpose of the materials they use in order to ensure accurate implementation (American Institute for Research [AIR], 2016; Early, Rogge, & Deci, 2014). Change must be an internal movement to have success. The implementation of the new curriculum did not merely involve the direct and straight-forward application of plans. The study accomplishes by answering the research question; that is, “What are the factor that make implementation of the new curriculum a challenge for key stage teachers of Lh. The interviewer is able enter into and better understand the interviewee’s perceptions, insights, perspectives and state of mind (Patton, 1990:196). Therefore those teachers did not want to accept the New Curriculum. Curriculum implementation involves development and evaluation: To implement these new practices into a fairly complex new environment will not be done by just copying a master-plan or a model from some other place, but will involve some process of selection, construction, problem-solving, interpretation, and re-invention which ‘situates’ and changes the original model. Ornstein & Hunkins(2004) has said “ Learning is influence by teachers” . 30 (1):83-90. The researcher is well known by school management and the participants with whom she worked. According to Cohen et al (2007:396) observation as a research instrument lets the researcher to collect “live” data from a natural venue and the researcher can see exactly what is happening. They are: Teachers do well in implementing a curriculum where they are able to get enough time for the preparation. Therefore as researcher, I found that the relevant rhetorical framework that best fits for this study is narrative, with a qualitative approach. According to the article no: 36 of Maldivian constitution, Primary education is compulsory for all children. Random sampling was used to select respondents. Various academic and non-academic activities are organized in schools. formal curriculum implementation in pastoralist areas was affected by the mobility of teachers. Information regarding the research project, the topic and the reason for the research are relayed. According to Uiseb (2007: 81) the process of changing must be well resourced. International Journal of Educational Development. 2006. According to a study done by Spady and Marshall(1991: 68) a number of factors affect teachers in implementing the new curriculum and make it challenge for them. In this chapter a series of aspects relating to research process is discussed. In order to provide quality education, intensive change to the curriculum has been brought by the government of the Maldives in the year 2014. FACTORS INFLUENCING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NEW BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM IN MOZAMBICAN SCHOOLS. In Chapter one, the research was introduced by outlining the background to the study and the purpose of the study. According to a policy paper revealed in 2008 on teacher Education in Europe, teaching is a challenging profession which needs massive requirements placed on teachers and they are supposed to have all the necessary skills, knowledge and expertise. Observation is directed by the fact that it must be properly planned, with the researcher knowing exactly what to observe and how to observe it. What is Curriculum Implementation? Free resources to assist you with your university studies! Why do teachers at Lh. VAT Registration No: 842417633. Various factors are discussed thus: poor economic growth, politics, lack of … So it shows that the increase of work load has negative impact on curriculum implementation. Therefore the effectiveness of the new curriculum depends on the effectiveness of implementation. The majority of the parents 20 ... for All thus defined a bold new direction in education. Because the study choice fell on a qualitative research approach based in one school with interviews conducted with the participants and an observation. Staffing issues. The curriculum was set – it was the UK National Curriculum. 2011). Thus, is often not covered very well in practice despite the development of National curriculum in 2014. Curriculum implementation involves the daily classroom activities that the teacher is involved in, that monitor students’ progress and evaluate the performance of the students. An educational research paper may be written the following way: When implementing a new curriculum, there are a host of factors that must be considered; it is only by doing this that one can be certain the implementation is successful. Factors Affecting Implementation 21 Characteristics of the Change 21 Need 21 Clarity 22 ... several specific action recommendations to assist with the implementation of new curricula. Ornstein & Hunkins,( 2004) state that, Curriculum implementation is one of the six phases involved in the curriculum development process. Gay and Airasian(2003) have said the “educational research is the systematic application of family of methods employed to provide trustworthy information about educational problems ,issues and topics.” (p.3). No plagiarism, guaranteed! Those are: The curriculum provides direction for classroom instruction, but does not consist of a series of lesson plans. The global study carried out by the UNESCO (2006), whose findings state that curriculum is under-utilised due to teachers in competence on curriculum due to lack of training on curriculum and discomfort in using sensitive materials. innovation. 6.2 Factors hindering implementation. The chosen method, Narrative inquiry approach encourages and allows teachers to communicate their stories about the factors in their point of view. Ethical consideration cannot be an additional extra one because for research to be truly ethical those consideration need to be built in from the whole process. The study is therefore designed to investigate factors which affect teachers in curriculum also teachers should be well-developed! To achieve the vision of the new curriculum implementing the newly introduced curriculum and implementation... To take inside and outside of the team must know what ’ implementation... 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